double or single confort room 99 € per night instead of 128 €
from october the 1 st to the 13 th

Book directly

Come and discover our sea view rooms as well as our two restaurants:
"Les Mûriers" and its Mediterranean cuisine, "Le Bistrot" our brasserie facing the Gulf of Saint Tropez.

Family hotel with 27 rooms between the blue of the Mediterranean and the Massif des Maures facing the Gulf of Saint-Tropez.


Book directly

Come and discover our sea view rooms as well as our two restaurants:
"Les Mûriers" and its Mediterranean cuisine, "Le Bistrot" our brasserie facing the Gulf of Saint Tropez.

Family hotel with 27 rooms between the blue of the Mediterranean and the Massif des Maures facing the Gulf of Saint-Tropez.


Our hotel will be closed for Winter time from october the 14 th to april the 1 st

Book directly

Come and discover our sea view rooms as well as our two restaurants:
"Les Mûriers" and its Mediterranean cuisine, "Le Bistrot" our brasserie facing the Gulf of Saint Tropez.

Family hotel with 27 rooms between the blue of the Mediterranean and the Massif des Maures facing the Gulf of Saint-Tropez.


Confort room 99 euros per night instead of 128 eurosfrom october the 1st to the 13 th

Book directly

Come and discover our sea view rooms as well as our two restaurants:
"Les Mûriers" and its Mediterranean cuisine, "Le Bistrot" our brasserie facing the Gulf of Saint Tropez.

Family hotel with 27 rooms between the blue of the Mediterranean and the Massif des Maures facing the Gulf of Saint-Tropez.


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Médiation de consommation
Après avoir saisi le service réservation de l’établissement et à défaut de réponse satisfaisante ou en l’absence de réponse dans un délai de 60 jours, le client peut saisir gratuitement le médiateur du tourisme et du voyage, dont les coordonnées et modalités de saisine sont disponibles sur son site : .